Studio Tributario Tognolo has membership with many associations as:
- Business Industry Advisory Committee all’OCSE (B.I.A.C.);
- Consiglio del diritto d’Impresa di Assolombarda;
- Commissione Fiscalità Internazionale dell’Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti di Milano;
- I.F.A. (International Fiscal Association);
- N.T.I. (Associazione Nazionale Tributaristi Italiani).
The Firm is not linked to any auditing company, or tax and legal international network. As a consequence, in performing his professional tasks it does not incur in any of the limitations or restrictions at present fixed by CONSOB (Italian regulatory Body), Sarbarnes-Oxley American Law, or by any other foreign regulatory Bodies.
Over the years, the Firm has developed a network of independent firms around the world with which it shares the same principles and approach to the client.